Ham Radio 2000
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The use of DXCC-XL is subject to the following terms and conditions.
The use of DXCC-XL is granted to the user to further enhance the logging
and tracking of DXCC countries in a systematic manner on a computer using
Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Excel, version 5.0. You may use this file
and you may distribute it at your free will, but all of the files below must
be copied and in an unmodified form and must contain the following files:
README.1ST (This file)
No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by anyone
without the express written permission of the Author. Public Domain Disk
Vendors may not charge a fee for DXCC-XL itself, However, you may include
DXCC-XL on a diskette or CD ROM for which you charge a nominal distribution
To use DXCC-XL you must have Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Microsoft Excel 5.0
running on your computer. If the spreadsheet you may be using is different
from that aforementioned, an the spreadsheet you are using imports Microsoft
Excel 5.0 spreadsheets, the user is on their own and the author simply states
GOOD LUCK. You may use the DXCC-XL from a diskette or you may put it on you
computer's hard drive. The first thing you must do is check to see if you
have two True Type Fonts residing in your Windows System subdirectory.
The two True Type Fonts are SYMBOL and Wingding. If you do not have those
in you WINDOWS---SYSTEM subdirectory, then they are on the distribution
diskette for you to install. Check your Windows documentation for the
True Type Font installation. It is important to have these fonts on your
system because they are used a symbols for the spreadsheet.
If you want to use the DXCC-XL from a diskette, you should be in Excel on
the computer, go to FILE, OPEN, CHANGE DRIVE to A:, then select DXCC-XL
from the left side. If you want to use the DXCC-XL from your hard drive,
then copy the file DXCC-XL.XLS to the EXCEL subdirectory. Open the
DXCC-XL.XLS file in the normal manner.
The CALL SIGNS are arranged in alphabetical order, there are seven pages
of data and one page of notes etc. The program is designed for you to scroll
down in the CALL SIGN area until you get to the prefix that you will be
confirming. Once there, scroll to the right to find the correct band for
the contact. I have formulas at the bottom of each page and a GRAND TOTAL
on page seven. I would place a "1" (the one character) for the contact.
DXCC-XL.XLS is currently set up for printing on a laser jet printer. If
you have a different printer, you may need to modify the blank spaces at
the end of each page, this will only need to be done once. there is a
slight difference between laser printer setups and dot matrix so the author
states that you may need to experiment with your particular setup to obtain
maximum results.
I have been using this spreadsheet for the last several months and I really
do like it to track my DXCC contacts. There is no charge for the use of
DXCC-XL but if you find it useful, the author would like a small amount of
compensation for the effort expended of $5.00 or four (4) IRC's.
Additionally, the author would like to hear from users of this spreadsheet
and receive any comments.
The author is Andy Anderson KR4FS
63 Arrowhead Drive
Lynchburg, Virginia, 24502-3905 U.S.A.
Because DXCC-XL is licensed free of charge, the author provides no
warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable state law. Except when
otherwise stated in writing, the author provides DXCC-XL in "AS-IS" without
warranty of any kind.
73 and I hope to meet you on the air!
Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Excel and True Type Fonts are trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation.